
Fascial Flow Training

with Yvonne Pouget
For Info & dates please visit:


Connective tissue was something of an orphan child in medicine: although it is an integral part of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue is basically absent from orthopedic textbooks, which deal principally with bones, cartilage, and muscles. Orthopedic interest is almost exclusively restricted to the “specialized” connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments, which connect bone to muscles and to other bones, respectively. Nonspecialized connective tissues, which form what’s known as the fasciae and envelop all muscles, nerves, bones, and blood vessels, are typically allotted a short paragraph in current textbooks, if mentioned at all.
The new science research results proclaim that the connective tissues are one of the richtest sense organ we have: more than 80 % of the ending of the nerves are located in the connective tissues.
Yvonne Pougets sensitive-sensefull fascial flow training is an invitation to a playful dance-like exploration trip into the powerful everything connecting structure of the human body.
the workshop is directed to everybody with interest in movement and dance in general, and leaded by interest for the matrix of connective tissues, for the “body inside the body”. Everybody who likes to increase his body awareness, flexibility, and his potential of expression. Previous knowledge is not needed, it´s enough to feel like to go for an expression quest for the sensuality and soulfulness of the “body inside the body”.
Please bring a hot water bottle, two tennis balls or other small balls not to soft.

registration & info:

“Yvonne Pouget was sharing with workshop’s participants highest-quality art standards, high developed body consciousness and deepest therapeutic ability to create safe and loving space to transform painful body-soul experience into joy and happiness of freeing movement. Yvonne’s presence offered a truly transformational space for an absolutely unique performance of healing art and developing new level of awareness.
In her performances I discovered the same magic quality of stage presence, seldom combination of technique excellence and philosophical depth, touching tenderness and smashing power, united in the passion to destroy lies and illusions about ourselves and our world and to confront audience with the truth of human life, with the pain and joy of being human, being lost, being loved. “

a most effective and joyful flow training created by the choreographer and dancer Yvonne Pouget. Pouget´s artistic work based on her ability to control and express herself directly through the fascial structure in her body, to dance with the connective-tissues. So the connective tissues are the key to the specific body language witch is the brand of Pouget´s worldwide unique artistic work and body language of poetry. A simple hot water bottle and the knowledge behind this movement patters open´s the door to a new space for awareness, relaxation, inner peace, physical mobility and power. The benefit is a deep release of the muscles and the the whole musculoskeletal system, It helps for chronic pains, as well as you can reach a deep level of mental release.
About connective tissues: Connective tissue is something of an orphan child in medicine: although it is an integral part of the musculoskeletal system, connective tissue is basically absent from orthopedic textbooks, which deal principally with bones, cartilage, and muscles. Orthopedic interest is almost exclusively restricted to the “specialized” connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments, which connect bone to muscles and to other bones, respectively. Nonspecialized connective tissues, which form what’s known as the fasciae and envelop all muscles, nerves, bones, and blood vessels, are typically allotted a short paragraph in current textbooks, if mentioned at all.

YVONNE POUGET is a freelance artist, choreographer, director and dancer. Trained in Butoh by Ko Murobusi and Carlotta Ikeda Pouget developed her own and unique body language on stage. She transcends both butoh and classical contemporary dance and expresses a form of symbolic wish-fulfillment. Her artistic work has up a unique position inside the contemporary dance world. Focussing on small, subtle movements, she reduces the visible on its very essence of human beeing. In her productions she uses her specific „bodylanguage of poetry“, her unique ability to controll the fascial structure on pure for a metaphysic desire fulfilment: the world of the stage makes possible on what reality fail: „the soul gets grant do build wings. Like this Pouget´s dance shows the movment of the soul, the truth of the behind, what it mens to be human.

Over the last 15 years the artist did a scientifical accompanied intensive reearch about the topic complex posttraumatic stress dissorder, dissociation, female body image disturbance and the transgenerational transmission of war-related trauma.
Yvonne Pouget ist nowadays justly considerd to be artistic expert and pioneer for the transversion of this challeging topics. Her artistic works to the themes of trauma and PTSD, transposed in expression and dance ist something that does not exist a second time in the world.

Apart from her artistic engagement and work of this topics Pouget pioneered the development of a specific fascial flow training as complementary treatment for PTSD. Scientifical accompanied the choreographer evaluated the research works among others of Stephen Porges, Peter Levine, Besel van der Kolk, David Grant, Fredric Schiffer and David Berceli. On the basic of her own fieldwork on the body therapy methods TRE (Trauma Release Exercises), Myofascial Unwinding, Myoreflextherapy and research of the south italian „Tarantismo“, a traditional, ancient music-dance ritual to heal woman after „the bite of a spider“, from the symptoms of PTSD, Pouget developed her specific Fascial Flow Training for PTDS and cronical pain. In 2016 Yvonne Pouget was invited as an expert to the new built research group for body based methods for the treatment of trauma („Körperorientierte Verfahren in der Traumatherapie“) of the „Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie“ ( She attended the meetings of the group in 2016 as an assistant professor and provided her scientific fundamental research about Fascial flow Training to the group and the DeGPT.

„I still remember Yvonne Pouget´s outstandig production „Hoch oben weites Blau“ (2007/2008). As far as I know she was the first here in Munich, Germany to work off the topic posttraumatic stress disorder artistically. She anticipated a immensily important political topic.
Shortly after Pouget´s stunning artisitc pioneer production post traumatic stress disorder and the invisible woulds of German soldiers in Afghanistan have been taken up as a fundamental problem in all media“. (Martin Sambauer, DAS INTEGRAL)

The topic of Yvonne Pougets last stage production „Lo spirito del cuore“ was the biographical memory of the fascial structure / connective tissues of the human body: all bodily experiences get stored in the nerve-cells and built up an autonomic memory. Between the cerebrum, medulla and the matrix of the fascia happens a completely a autonomic comunication. The new neurobiological research theories are talking in this connection about the „Memory of the matrix of the fascia“, the new neurobiological explanation is that the whole lifestory of a human is restired in the matrix of the fascia.

“Fascial Flow Training for PTSD and cronical pain“ Yvonne Pouget offers in workshops, courses ans a individual trainings and treatments.
short TV Clip in italian Language about „Identita“ 2014 in Taranto/South Italy, dancetheater avout transgenerational transmission of war-related trauma:


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